November 7, 2023
An Advent Guide for You!

Advent for All
Many of you have enjoyed our advent guides over the last few years, telling us you used them with your family, class, churches, or simply for yourself. It is delightful to hear the reflections and fun spurred on through these guides. This year, we're giving you the guide early so you can plan and prepare your path through Advent to Christmas. And we invite you to liberally share this guide (digitally or physically) with others!
If you used our guide previously, you'll find old favorites and fresh ideas in this one. Designed to inspire both young and old, each week is a feast of ideas, including Bible readings, music, poetry, art, handicrafts, nature activities, and more. Pick and choose your own plate (perhaps literally) to cultivate your celebration of the one whom Charlotte Mason called "the Saviour of the World."