Study groups
CMI Community Study Groups: A Reading Course Through Mason’s Volumes

A Reading Course Through Mason’s Volumes
community Study Groups
Our goal at the Charlotte Mason Institute is to provide the essential ongoing training and support you need. We understand the importance of community that cultivates friendships with like-minded educators. These web-based groups provide a personal, interactive learning experience with a CMI facilitator leading the sessions so you can be confident that our studies together reflect the research and work of the Institute and are relevant to you today. We want to encourage you to keep studying through the volumes, just as Mason and the PNEU encouraged parents and teachers to do. Mason believed training to be a vital part of education!
study Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy
Study Group categories
Join this educational community to study and grow as you apply the beauty of Mason’s philosophy and practice. As we study and grow together, we keep a lighter reading schedule (only about 20 pages a month) so we can process and apply while we learn throughout the whole study.
Register for the season (5 months) and receive CMI Study Notes, an exclusive webpage providing extra resources, and accountability, community, and support.
Volume 1 | February-June 2024
Home Education
In-depth study and discussion on the foundations of education as "an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life."
Volume 6 | February-June 2024
Philosophy of Education
An in-depth study of Mason’s short synopsis principles. We focus on the ideas and practices to understand the why and how of this liberal education.